Award Recipients Fall 2015
James Barilla, Creative Writing (ENGL 360)This grant will provide students the exceptional opportunity of visiting the island of Jersey while completing the course Introduction to Creative Writing. The island of Jersey is rich in both history and nature, making it an ideal choice for studying creative writing. With its proximity to both England and France, students will be able to travel around the island as well as take short trips to visit the Globe Theater in London and the shores of St. Malo, France. This course will not only fulfill requirements for multiple majors but allow students to experience the unique island culture. |
Barilla |
Peter Duffy, Department of Theatre and DanceA collaboration among theatre professors from all over the world will create a distinctive course for USC students. Beginning in Rostock, Germany, Dr. Duffy will collaborate with other theatre professors from Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada to create an international theatre course that focuses on professional development and drama pedagogy. Through this project students will gain face-to-face experience with theatre professionals in an international setting, expanding their knowledge of drama pedagogy and theatre as an international art. |
Marketa Kubickova, School of Hospitality and Tourism ManagementThis projects aims to create a new course that will give students the opportunity to experience the hospitality industry in Europe by traveling to Prague, Karlovy Vary and Brno in the Czech Republic. Touring multiple hotel properties, spa and health facilities and working with the college of business and hotel management, will allow students to gain a better understanding of the industry in Europe while networking with professionals in the region. This course will give students experience in the international aspects of hospitality management and customer service. |
Julia López-Robertson, Global and Multicultural Perspectives on Education in International Settings (EDUC 360) and Field Problems in Education IV (EDUC 635)A study abroad opportunity to Colombia for three weeks will immerse education students in the Colombian culture and educational system. In order to train education students to teach English-language learners in South Carolina, it is crucial that they experience a new language and culture themselves. By leading students through this process, Dr. López-Robertson endeavors to better prepare future teachers to support English-language learners in South Carolina. |
John Weidner, Chemical EngineeringThis project aims to build upon the relationship between the University of South Carolina and Chang Mai University in Thailand by creating a foreign exchange program for Chemical Engineering students. A relationship between the two universities already exists through USC alumni and a memorandum of understanding. Dr. Weidner will work to build upon that relationship with this international program. Students who participate in this exchange will not only gain experience in the field of engineering but will also learn how they must adapt to cultural differences for improved research collaboration. |